Dampers CBLA Steel / CBLL Aluminium

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CBLL-Aluminum( “L” Frame)/CBLA- Steel(“L” Frame)
CBUL- Aluminum(“U” Frame)/CBUA – Steel(“U” Frame)

DESCRIPTION: Barometric or gravity damper, with simultaneous moving horizontal blades with 3-1/8″ apart. L-Frame or U-Frame, used for applications with no

longer than 60″ x 48″ .This model is ideal to use with exhaust fans in a warehouse or large vessels for proper air circulation. Its operation is based on the pressure
exerted by the fan-extractor.

MATERIALS: Our aluminum profiles are tempered to achieve a greater resistance, and they are manufactured with the same design as the steel profiles.

FINISH: Baked electrostatic paint (polyester) in “white Vermont” as an standard finish, with optional gray aluminum or matte black without an additional
cost. Foam sealed on the frame to avoid dust
stains, airtight plastic packaging with fixing screws.

